Creating and Managing Classes
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Teacher/Instructor accounts can create classes that students can join and then see scenarios that the teacher has added to that class. Teachers can manage the learning sequence by adding or making scenarios visible so that students move along the learning path designed by the teacher.
Teachers and students access their classes from the main navigation menu by clicking the menu option Classes:
To create a class click the Add Class link at the top right corner, just below the navigation menu.
Then enter the following information:
The name of the class (i.e. Physics_204, or CompSci_23_24)
The starting date of the class.
The ending date of the class.
Once this information is entered, click the CREATE button, and an INVITE CODE will be generated. Share this code with your students and they will use this to join the class (not shown).
To add scenarios to the class, click on the link under the SCENARIOS heading. This will take you to another screen where you can:
Edit the class
Add/Remove scenarios
Allow or not allow students to join the class
Remove students from the class
To add a scenario to the class, click the Add Scenario link in the top right corner, and you will now see a multiple selection box where you can select from a list of your scenarios that you want to add to this class.
Once you have selected the scenario you want to add, click SUBMIT. You will see that scenario listed as one of the scenarios added to the class. Scenarios can be removed from the class by clicking the remove link on the right side of the table.
When students have joined your class, they will appear in the Students list for the class:
Students can be removed from the class by clicking the remove link located also on the right side of this table.
When students clone a scenario linked to the class, you can see their clone as well as their goal status.
You can also close the class to new students trying to join the class by unchecking the Allow new students checkbox on the right of the Students list.